Category: Communication

HCCA Presentation and Annual Meeting

The winning topic of interest was Development Activity. I am working with the city to get a speaker from the Development Services department to update us on development activity in the Eastgate/Factoria/South Bellevue area. That presentation will be at 6:30 PM, Tuesday February 4 at the Newport Way Library. The HCCA Annual Meeting will immediately follow at 7:15 PM. All HCCA members are encouraged to attend and vote on 2020 officers, approve the budget, and hear and share concerns and ideas about our neighborhood.

Get Involved!

We encourage all residents to join the HCCA, and contribute to the association. We would also welcome members to join the Board of Directors and help shape the future of our neighborhood! Board meetings are less than monthly, and are rarely more than an hour.

New Website

A reminder that HCCA recently launched a new website: There are lots of resources and information there. It also has a Translate option on the right side to translate any page.

Website Content Updater

And with the fancy new, easy-to-update website, we’re looking for a volunteer to take on occasional content updates. The website is implemented in WordPress, so it’s easy! It might be a new, fun and useful skill for you to pick up.