Category: Communication

New to the Neighborhood?

If you are a new owner or renter in Horizon Crest, we would like to get to know you! Please fill out the Contact Us – Directory Update form. This information helps us to deliver communications to keep you informed of Horizon Crest events and news. We also like to welcome new neighbors with a gift within the first few weeks of moving to the neighborhood.


Welcome to the website home of Horizon Crest Community Association (HCCA) in Bellevue, Washington.

We aim to enhance our neighborhood and make it a better place to live for everybody. Look around and learn more about the Horizon Crest neighborhood and the HCCA association.

New President / Annual Dues

Greetings Neighbors,

It is a great pleasure to be able to serve as the President for the Horizon Crest Community Association for the 2022 board. I look forward to working closely with the other members of our board in continuing to make our neighborhood a special place to live. Please note:

Membership Dues: HCCA membership dues for 2022 are now due. You can check your dues status in this report. You can pay online or by mail from this page.

Thank you kindly for your support.

Jorge Molina

President – Horizon Crest Community Association