Resident Resources

New Resident Quick Start

  1. Sign up for HorizonCrestAnnounce mailing list
  2. Sign up for the neighborhood mailing list
  3. Telephone (Landline), DSL Internet, Satellite TV – CenturyLink
  4. Cable TV, Cable Internet – Comcast
  5. Electric, Natural Gas – Puget Sound Energy – PSE has a smartphone app that can show power outages and predicted restoration.
  6. Garbage, Recycling, Compost/Yard WasteRepublic Services – Pick up is on Tuesdays starting as early as 7:00 AM. Cans should go in the street, not on the sidewalk. Cans should be placed with 2 feet between them, 3 feet from cars and mailboxes. If Christmas or New Year’s Day is on Monday or Tuesday, then pick up will be on Wednesday. If a pickup is missed because of snow, twice the regular amount will be allowed the following week.
  7. Water, Sewer – City of Bellevue
  8. Driver’s Licensing
  9. Vehicle Licensing
  10. Mailboxes – Sadly, mail theft is a recurring problem, especially around Christmas. We recommend a hardened security locking mailbox. If you get with your neighbors to rebuild the mailbox housing, HCCA will reimburse half the cost up to $200.
  11. Join the Horizon Crest Community Association
  12. Wildlife – Bears, coyotes, bobcats, raccoons, deer and rabbits live in the greenbelts around our neighborhood, and are sometimes seen in the neighborhood. They are rarely a threat to humans. If wildlife does present an immediate threat, call 911. For non-emergency situations, call the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife at 877-933-9847. To avoid confrontations with wildlife:
    • Keep small pets indoors
    • Don’t leave pet food (or other food) outside
    • Store garbage cans in the garage
    • Don’t put out bird feeders
  13. Check out our suggestions for Being a Good Neighbor


Other Useful Resources