Category: Membership

Board Openings

Several members of the Board of Directors will be resigning this year. As you can see above, we have no nominations for some of the positions. Being on the HCCA Board is really easy! We meet not more that once a month for about 90 minutes (9 to 10 times a year). We coordinate neighborhood events like the cleanup dumpster and picnics, and discuss issues of neighborhood interest. We’d love to have you join us!

HCCA 2019 Dues

Thank you to the many homes that have joined HCCA in 2019! You can check the status of your home’s HCCA membership at . Because of the snow, we haven’t been able to get to the bank to deposit checks. So the linked report only shows memberships paid through PayPal thus far. HCCA membership is only $35 per year. Please support your neighborhood and join HCCA today. The benefits of HCCA membership are listed on our website.