Horizon Crest Community Association

Fall yard and sidewalk maintenance reminders

Greetings Neighbors,

With the fall upon us it is important that we all play a role in keeping our streetside vegetation trimmed, sidewalks cleaned from slippery fall debris and leaves out of streets. Although the changing leaves are beautiful, they also can clog our storm drains and slow down our street sweepers. So, after the pumpkin spice latte is drained, please rake up the leaves and put them in the compost bin. Also, to prevent flooding when there’s a rainstorm, please keep an eye on storm drains near you and rake them clear of leaves and other debris when you have the chance.

Finally, so our City of Bellevue street sweepers can clean all the way to the curb, please trim back tree branches and shrubs that overhang the street or sidewalk. Encroaching vegetation can damage the sweepers.

In addition to trimming back trees and bushes, there are several other ways you can help keep our streets clean:

  • Remove branches, large sticks and other debris from the road if you are safely able to do so.
  • Keep the street clear of garbage and recycling containers, cars and other objects if possible, so the sweepers can clean all the way to the curb.
  • Please do not dump or blow leaves into the street. Large piles of leaves can clog the storm drains creating flooding situations. If a storm drain appears blocked below the street surface, call 425-452-7840.  

Thank you kindly for your support.

Jorge Molina

President – Horizon Crest Community Association

Bears, Sidewalk Growth, Picnic August 25, Treasurer

Greetings Neighbors,

Well the summer is almost here and with that comes a couple of safety reminders to help all of us during this time:

  • Bear activity / sightings always pick up during the late spring / early summer as our local Black Bears come out from hibernation and begin to feed. Over the last couple of weeks we have had numerous sightings / interactions with bears in our neighborhood and surrounding hiking trails. To help us help them please remember to not leave trash cans or pet food outside. Bears can smell it from miles away and remember the location causing them to return. For more bear safety tips please take a look at this informative YouTube video: https://youtu.be/-VxKQeVswl4
  • Everything is green and growing very fast. Please remember that it is our responsibility to make sure the side walks around our properties are free of tree limbs, bushes or weeds that block or endanger the right of way on the side walk. We want to make sure our neighborhood is a safe place for everyone to walk thru during our beautiful summer season.

Please don’t forget that we will be having our annual summer picnic on Friday, August 25th in the late afternoon so please save the date.

Last, but not least we are looking for someone to volunteer to serve as the Treasurer of the HCCA board. Our current treasurer Cindi has done an amazing job over the last couple of years, but unfortunately she is moving away. We will miss her dearly. Please if you are interested just respond to this message. 

Thank you kindly for your support.

Jorge Molina

President – Horizon Crest Community Association