Annual Meeting

  1. The annual meeting of the HCCA will be virtual this year: Tuesday January 26, 7:00 PM on Zoom:

    The agenda is
    1. President’s Opening Remarks
    2. Minutes of Previous Meeting – Those minutes are here.
    3. Treasurer’s Report – The latest financial report and 2021 Proposed Budget are here.
    4. Reports of Directors and Committees
    5. Unfinished Business
    6. Elections
      1. President – Kurt Lutterman is willing to continue.
      2. Vice-President – Dave Wu is willing to continue.
      3. Secretary – Barb Lisaius is willing to continue.
      4. Treasurer – Cindi Schiel is willing to continue.
      5. Area 2 Rep. – Jorge Molina is willing to continue.
      6. Area 3 Rep. – Duncan Schofield is willing to continue.
      7. Area 4 Rep. –
      8. Area 5 Rep. –
    7. New Business
    8. Adjournment